About LBBS


On the hunt for Montana’s Last Best Bouldering Champs

You may be the top crusher in your gym, but how do you measure up against other climbers in Montana? The Last Best Bouldering Series is an opportunity for climbers throughout the 406 to experience comp climbing across the Big Sky. While this is a competition, it is also encouragement to visit the different climbing gyms across the state, to engage with new-to-you climbers, and to foster a statewide climbing community. We believe this style of comp climbing and sport embraces the ethics and culture of not just climbing, but Montana climbing - the last best of its kind.  

This championship series takes the best of 4 scores from the 6 comps in the state to find the best climber in each category. There are 4 adult categories (Open Male, Open Female, Master Male, and Master Female) and 10 youth categories divided out by age divisions. To be eligible for LBBS, there is a $10 registration fee. You may compete in as many comps as you like, and your scores will automatically be collected and calculated. You can follow your progress in the "Current Standings” page found here. Questions? Email us at lbbsclimbcomp@gmail.com.

Join us in expanding the climbing community across Montana!


Competitors earn points based on their place in the division they compete in. Once scores are tallied at a comp, the competitors are ranked, and their final places are sent to the LBBS for points. Competitors who tie in share the points in their LBBS score. For example, a 2nd place tie nets 72.5pts for each competitor ((80+65)/2)=72.5pts). Six different competitions are held in the state and only the four highest scores are counted toward the LBBS final score. To understand the scoring of each comp, see the details on each gym’s registration page. The winners will be announced after the final competition is tallied for the season. The format of each competition may vary slightly from event to event, so using ranks for points levels the playing field across all comps.

Points for each place

1st = 100pts

2nd = 80pts

3rd = 65pts

4th = 55pts

5th = 51pts

6th = 47pts

7th = 43pts

8th = 37pts

9th = 34pts

10th = 31pts

11th = 28pts

12th = 26pts

Photo by Aaron Sharp

13th = 24pts

14th = 22pts

15th = 20pts

16th = 18pts

17th = 16pts

18th = 14pts

19th = 12pts

20th = 10pts

21st = 9pts

22nd = 8pts

23rd = 7pts

24th = 6pts

25th = 5pts

26th = 4pts

27th = 3pts

28th = 2pts

29th = 1pt

>29th = .5pts